Steak That’ll Pull You Out Of Hibernation

Grilling season is neigh, my friends.  Well, unless you’re like me and live in Florida.  Then, it’s usually never a bad time to fire up that ever enjoyable outdoor cooking apparatus.  Now, if you happen to be in the northern reaches of the country and are still hesitant to embrace the charcoal life because of that jerk-ass named Jack Frost, fear not…I do declare that the early evening, summertime scent of charred meat has nearly arrived.  Yes.  All those feels.  Soon to appear. Continue reading

Welcome To The Taco Palace

“The vibe at The Palace…I’d like to think, punk rock and honky tonk, with food and booze. We got it all goin’ on man.”
– Bucky Fellini (Owner, STP)

STP is the type of place you’d love to have within walking distance of your house…mainly, because you’re rarely in any shape to drive by the time you leave.

Tucked away near the back of a typical nondescript, West Orlando strip mall, STP is your proverbial craft beer and tequila oasis in an otherwise barren, thirsty landscape.  On the surface, there’s so much about this place that almost purposefully shouts at you to keep your distance, but, in the same vein, manages to tickle one’s interest as to what kind of party lies behind that big orange, black and white logo.  That’s the genius behind the nearly 9-years of success STP has seen.  You gotta be willing to get in touch with your weird side.  Your inner rebel.  Your spirit animal.  A killer craft beer selection and local live music eases the transition quite nicely too. Continue reading

Infuse That Booze!!!

The weekend is nearly upon us and if you’re anything like me, it’s just about time for an adult beverage.  Life, just like the weekend, is too damn short to not loosen our inhibitions every so often and enjoy the company of our friends whilst indulging in a cocktail (or 3).  Our forefathers did us a solid in repealing prohibition, so how ’bout we show them a little respect?  Am I right, or amiright?! Continue reading

Drink Like A Pro On St. Patty’s Day

The problem with some people is that when they aren’t drunk, they’re sober. 
-William Butler Yeats

You gotta love a holiday that’s all about drinking.  Sure, we all have our fair share of adult beverages during Thanksgiving and Christmas, but they’re merely masqueraded as a nice wholesome time with the ones you love…which they are…but a bit of the drink makes the holiday cheer, that much cheerier.  St. Patrick’s Day, on the other hand, holds none of these pretenses.  The widely accepted, practiced and promoted behavior for this glorious holiday is, to…well…to get shit faced.  Hell, you don’t even have to be Irish to celebrate!  Let’s party!!!

Continue reading

Kale You Dig It?

Let’s face it – Kale sucks ass.  Sure, it’s classified as a “superfood” (whatever that means), it’s low in calories, high in fiber and has zero fat. One cup of kale has only 36 calories, 5 grams of fiber and 0 grams of fat. It’s high in fiber. It’s filled with so many nutrients, vitamins, folate and magnesium that one serving turns you into Iron Man.  That IS how it works, right?  Superfood makes you a superhero?

So, knowing that kale is so good for us, why are we not all running around as members of The Avengers?  Something is amiss.  The precise reason is that kale, on its own, tastes like a house plant.  It totally sucks.  Why must everything that’s good for you taste so bad?!?!  I know.  It totally sucks.  Life is just one big conundrum.  Well guess what, my little damsel in distress?  Here I come to save the day… Continue reading

Chicken That’ll Change Your Life

Ok, so maybe this headline is a bit hyperbole.  But, for me, I just happened to indulge in this perfect piece of poultry at a time in my life that revisionist history would demonstrate as a major turning point.  It really is hard to believe that it’s been just over a year since I went to this little hole in the wall in Montego Bay three times over the course of four days.  It’s equally hard to believe that after 10-plus years in the TV business, this would be the last production shoot I would be a part of. Continue reading

Mashed Cauliflower: (almost) Better Than Taters

When you make the best mashed potatoes of all time, it’s tough to not eat that creamy, mashy, garlicky, deliciousness at every moment possible.  There’s only a few flaws in that formula (starches + fat + calories = continually expanding stretchy pants).  So, yeah.  There needs to be another way to get this fix without going bankrupt from having to regularly buy new clothes.  Thankfully, mashed cauliflower is coming to the rescue.  Sure, it most certainly isn’t mashed taters, but it’s really darn close.  This recipe is also quick, easy and HEALTHY. So, no time to wax poetic.  Let’s get mashing! Continue reading

This Soup Is Neither Italian, Nor A Wedding…Discuss

In keeping with my current winter recipe kick (I mean…it is winter, after all) here’s the latest one-pot wonder to keep you warm and satisfied, without expanding your waistline.  Italian Wedding Soup.  Now, this is one of those recipes that you can tweak about a hundred different ways.  Some call for chicken meatballs, some for pork and beef.  Some pre-cook said meatballs and some poach them in the broth itself.  Some don’t have carrots and some do.  Some say you should finish it with parmesan and some have you whisk raw eggs into the hot broth.  No matter which way you simmer it, in order for the soup to be considered of the “Italian Wedding” variety, it needs to have meatballs, spinach, and small pasta in a chicken broth.  So, here’s my take on it.  Just so you know, this recipe yields a whole lot o’ soup and it’s absolutely delicious. Continue reading

Chili, Because It’s…Well…Chilly

As my friends up in the Northeast can attest to…it’s winter.  The struggle is even oh so real down here in the FLA.  It got down in the mid 30’s last week (GASP!!!).  I know.  Cry me an ice cube tray of frozen tears.  Regardless if it’s a Class-5-Kill-Storm or a Florida-frost-warning-freakout, this is the time of year when all you really want at the top of your list of food choices are whether or not said meal will take the chill out of the bones.  Not too many would argue that there’s no better food to help in that endeavor than a good ol’ bowl of chili.  And in the interest of keeping our meal choices figure friendly this time of year, I’ve decided to go with a White Bean Chicken Chili recipe that will not only warm you up and satisfy your appetite, it won’t have you using those leftover gift cards from Christmas to buy larger clothes. Continue reading